Monday, September 30, 2013

Meeting Recap from 9/23

Hey Mamas,
Hope everyone is having a great Monday. Last Monday was Bring a Friend Night. We had 11 Friends join us. Way to go members. You did not disappoint. I hope all of our guests had a great time.

Our Mentor Moment was brought to us by Kimberly Mason. She asked us to visualize our mess. Then she used the analogy that our messes are each a fragment of stained glass. It may not look like anything when just looking at one individual piece but when you put all the stained glass fragments together, it makes a beautiful picture with a kaleidoscope of colors. Thank you, Kimberly, for the reminder to look at the bigger picture.

Our guest speaker was Carrie Stephens. Carrie talked to us about "Being a Mary in a Martha World and Embracing Love as a Mama." As moms we can feel like we are in a lose/lose situation. We can be like Mary and start to feel guilty for not doing enough and at the same time be like Martha and feel guilty for not connecting with our loved ones. A lot of us are in that place and Carrie stressed that we can NOT stay there. It's going to kill us. She encouraged us to stay sane and not miss the beauty before our eyes. We must cling to what is most important, loving one another. Carrie gave us a handout with some action points on them such as dance parties with your kids, reading, and putting your electronics down to spend time with your kids. She asked us to find our bright spot. Your bright spot is something that you are already doing that helps love flow freely and generates growth and goodness. She told us that we are God's bright spot. He looks at us and sees all the good he made in us. He loves who we are and His love can never be taken away once you fully step into it. Make it a season of love and let your children remember it. Thank you Carrie for joining us and sharing that message. As moms, it's easy to get stuck in a vicious cycle of guilt. So find you bright spot, mamas!

Just a few reminders:
-The next Explore God meeting will be October 7.
-Our next MOPS meeting will be October 14.
-Don't forget to get your dues turned into your table leader if you haven't already.
-Before our next meeting your table leader will be contacting you about a Girl's Night Out. I would encourage you to attend if you can. It will be a great time of fellowship to get to know the other mamas at your table out side of a MOPS meeting.
-Find your bright spot and create a season on love. :)
-Have a great week Mamas!!!

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